Saturday, October 26, 2013

MIT Kids Go Hard

Boston Globe- Officials in Boston have indefinitely banned parties and other large gatherings at MIT fraternities, sororities, and other independent living groups located in the city, about a month after an 18-year-old MIT student fell four stories through a skylight and injured himself.
Two Massachusetts Institute of Technology administrators and two leaders of associations that oversee fraternities, sororities, and independent living groups sent e-mail to the organizations Friday saying that until the city issues new inspection certificates, the off-campus groups cannot host gatherings that involve more than the number of people who are legally permitted to live at each location. There are about 18 MIT fraternities, three sororities, and two independent living groups within the Boston city limits, according to MIT’s online map of the organizations’ locations.
On Sept. 11, a student fell through a skylight at the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity house at 487 Commonwealth Ave. The house was issued several citations, including for alcohol violations and having an unpermitted roof deck. Officials at Boston’s Inspectional Services Department said they would crack down on other potentially unsafe off-campus properties.

So in other news this is just saying that MIT kids party way to friggen hard. Next time they think about running a train on some sororities sluts why don't you look where you are cause you may go through a sunlight dummy. Aren't these kids suppose to be smart enough to realize that yeah I am stepping on a window. But remember if you step on glass window and fall, hey your too fat. Why don't you scumbags lay off the Michelob Ultra and work on raising them SAT scores to perfection cause you guys are going no where in life.

If you balls to do this, then you go hard.

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